:)Կատրինա-Մարիամ Լալայան:(

Հարվային դպրոց 4․2 դասարան



Անգլերենի ամառային առաջադրանքներ

I.Տեքստը կարդա՛ ևփորձի՛ր հասկանալ: A bicycle John’s father likes to swim. So he often goes to the swimming pool. His mother likes to play tennis. They often go to the stadium. Their son John is seven. He wants to be a good… Continue Reading →


My dog is big and clever. His car is yellow. Give her this doll. Give me this cheese burger, please. She has many cats. She likes them very much.


Aram is hungry.Give him some bread and cheese, please. You have a lot of time. Come to play with us. Thein caps and jackets are in the classroom. Mery has a very big and nice bag. Her bag is on… Continue Reading →


Monday P.E. Armenian Technology Mathematics Armenian Tuesday English Armenian Surroundings and me Chess Elective activities Wednesday Russian Armenian Surroundings and me P.E. Music Thursday English Armenian Mathematics Armenian Elective activities Friday Mathematics Russian Swimming Armenian Elective activities


1)Give me a pen, please. 2)It’s his book. Don’t take it. 3)Help us, please. 4)This is our living-room. 5)This is his room. 6)Their classroom is vary nice. 7)I always help them on Sundays. 1)Children go to school in September. 2)There… Continue Reading →


We have English on Tuesdays and on Fridays. They don’t go swimming on Mondays. I always do my lessons on Saturdays and on Sundays. Vahe doesn’t go to school on Saturdays. I usually play chess with my brother on Sundays.

At the cafe



1)It is the first of September. 2)It is the second of October. 3)It is the third of November. 4)It is the fourth of December. 5)It is the fifth of January. 6)It is the sixth of February. 7)It is the eighth… Continue Reading →


1.A lot of flowers  on their way to school. 2.I want to drink milk. 3.I cannot play with you, I have to do my homework․ 4․ I can read  english books. 5.My  mother works all day․ 6․I give a pen… Continue Reading →


Carol  gets up at 7  o’clock every day. She  has  breakfast at 7:30. She   goes  to  school at 8 o’clock. She    has lunch at o’clock.She does   her homework in the evening. She  watches   TV at 8   o’clock. She   goes … Continue Reading →

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